Club Presidents and Fellow Optimists, we need your help!
We are currently in the best membership position we have been in for the past 28 years. We need your help in ensuring that we end the year in the best positive membership position in almost three decades to show that we are still viable as an organization and service organizations like ours can still grow in this day and age. We are so close to doing that and we just need a small favor from your club to help get us over the finish line.
We are asking all clubs to make a commitment to being “net + 1” in membership over the last two months of this Optimist year. That means we need you to ADD at least one new member in your club during August and September without deleting any members. If you need to delete members, then we ask that you replace them as well. Net + 1 per club.
Why should you do this?
- You will be strengthening your club for the benefit of serving the youth in your communities.
- You will be giving someone in your community the opportunity to experience the enjoyment and pride of making a positive difference in the life of a child.
- You will help your District and Optimist International reach a milestone in membership, ending the year with the best membership result in 28 years.
- We will be able to demonstrate to our members and to other service organizations that our organization and theirs are still viable in our communities and we are here to stay.
- What better way to enter our 100th anniversary year, with an upswing in membership?
Success breeds Success, but for the past couple of decades, our membership has come to believe that we cannot grow and that service organizations like ours are a dying breed.
Let’s show them that they are wrong and that with a little focus, determination and teamwork, we can grow Optimist International, the best service organization in North America.
Help us get over the “Growth” finish line for the benefit of everyone, the youth, our communities, our clubs, our Districts and our organization.
With your help, we will do it. “NET + 1” for each club over the last two months of the year.
Promise Yourself, To Be Optimist Strong and To Be The Difference.
Let’s make it happen.
Yours in Optimism,
Bob McFadyen
V.P., Northeast and Great Lakes Region