Club Visitation Report

Club Visitation Report

In addition to the Annual Club Planning Conference, the Lieutenant Governor is to make an official visitation to each Club in the Zone between April 1 and July 1. Each visit must be at a regular Club meeting, between April 1and July 1, and a report must be filed within 30 days after each visit. This report form is not to be used for the Annual Club Planning Conference, social affairs, Zone meetings, etc. However, a Lieutenant Governor is encouraged to make optional visits to Clubs and offer aid at any time it would be helpful. This report may be used for such optional Club visits to give information to the Governor and other District personnel.

Club Visitation Report
Name, Number, Zone
Zone Number

Meeting Information

Is Club’s Board of Directors meeting regularly?
Is a meal served at Club meetings?
Are meetings planned in advance ?
Are timed agendas used?
Are interesting, effective programs regularly provided for Club meetings?

Club Evaluation

Please provide information from the meeting which will be helpful to the District Governor, Secretary-Treasurer or Club Services Chair.
Is the Club accomplishing its goal of service to youth and community?

Meeting Follow Up

Has the District Club Services Committee been involved with this Club?

Membership Building Program

Is Club actively conducting a membership building program?
Will Club conduct a membership building program?

New Club Building

Is Club sponsoring a new Club?
Will Club sponsor a new Club?
Have contacts been made?
Are pre-organized meetings being held?
Does sponsor need a New Club Building Kit?

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