Join an Optimist Club just for Youth!
Junior Optimist International is an all-inclusive youth organization sponsored by Optimist International. Our organization embodies the Optimist Creed, which motivated us to embrace positive values like optimist and respect for ourselves and others while engaging in community service. Our mission is to use a passion for making a difference to reach out to other people wishing to make a difference too.
JOI clubs are sponsored by Optimist International Clubs and the Optimist International Organization.
Ohio District JOI Clubs
Each month our Junior Optimist Clubs (JOI) around Ohio are doing amazing things in their communities. JOI members in the Ohio District are also involved at the International level with the Junior Optimist International Board of Directors.
Ohio District JOI Leadership Team
The members of the JOI Clubs in Ohio elect a Governor, Secretary and Treasurer every year. These elected officials are responsible for administration of the Junior Optimist Clubs within the Ohio District.
JOI International Leadership
The Junior Optimist International Board of Directors is responsible for all Junior Optimist International Club administration. We have over 15,000 Members in over 500 JOI Clubs throughout the world!
Junior Optimist International
Each month our Junior Optimist Clubs (JOI) around the world are doing amazing things in their communities. JOI clubs are sponsored by Optimist International Clubs and the Optimist International organization.