Ohio District Optimist Convention Registration

Ohio District Logo next to the Ohio Governor logo for 2023-24

4th Quarter – August 8-10, 2024

Embassy Suites Dublin, OH

Registration Form

Ohio District Convention Registration 2023-2024 Q4
Name, Number, Zone
Attendee Name 1
Attendee Name 1
Primary Contact Phone Number for your party
Primary Contact Email for your party
If you are a a “Current Club Officer” please choose that instead of “Member”
Is this the first time Attendee 1 has attended an Ohio District Meeting?
Including yourself, how many will be attending the convention?
The banquet is optional. How many in your party will attend the meal?

This is optional and included in the registration fee. It helps determine the amount of food to order.
Meal Choice for Attendee 1
List allergies or other restrictions for Attendee 1

Attendee 2

If you are a a “Current Club Officer” please choose that instead of “Member”
Attendee Name 2
Attendee Name 2
Meal Choice for Attendee 2
List allergies or other restrictions for Attendee 2

Attendee 3

If you are a a “Current Club Officer” please choose that instead of “Member”
Attendee Name 3
Attendee Name 3
Meal Choice for Attendee 3
List allergies or other restrictions for Attendee 3

Attendee 4

If you are a a “Current Club Officer” please choose that instead of “Member”
Attendee Name 4
Attendee Name 4
Meal Choice for Attendee 4
List allergies or other restrictions for Attendee 4



Was this entry created by a guest or manually in Formidable admin.
Only needed if the amount received is different from amount to pay.

About Registration

Registration Fees cover facility rental fees, A/V services, coffee/beverage service for meetings, Hospitality Room, printing and other fixed conference expenses and are in an amount sufficient to hold the conference. All persons attending the conference MUST be registered, NO EXCEPTIONS. Optimist members are required to pay the full registration based on the date submitted, whether eating lunch or not. Attendance and awards are based on paid member registrations.

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