April 4, 2018
To: Governor Tom Kendo
FR: Rezoning Committee
RE: Zone realignment recommendations for the 2018-2019 Optimist Year
The Rezoning Committee has reviewed the current state of the District and hereby recommends to the District Board of Directors convening at the Third Quarter District Conference the following proposed “Zone Realignment” effective October 1, 2018:
1.) Move the Falcon Optimist Club (24-524) from Zone 13 to Zone 1. This reassignment will move the new college Club from the Zone of its sponsoring clubs into a Zone that is closer to its geographic location.
2.) Move the Hartford Twp. Optimist Club (24-200) from Zone 4 to Zone 5. This reassignment will move the Club to a Zone that is closer to its geographic location and will shorten the travel distance for each Lt. Governor in their respective zones.
Respectfully submitted,
Bryan McCormick
Committee Chair